Metamorphic Massage

My preparation for providing metamorphic massages really began over five decades ago when I first began to practice Hatha yoga. It was my first experience at integrating body, mind and spirit into a unified whole. I soon began to receive formal training in Kundalini yoga, which included pranayama (breath training) and massage with a partner. By the early 1970s I had realized that only through regular disciplined daily physical, intellectual and devotional practice could I achieve my goals of consistent movement toward truth, and the evolution of my being as a kind caregiver to fellow beings. My path led me through initiations, training and practice in Vedic, Sufi, Taoist and Buddhist traditions.

The University of Texas in Austin was the setting for my formal academic studies. My master's thesis delved into the connections between Sufism and 16th Century Safavid Court Painting in Iran, and my Ph.D. dissertation was about the impact of esoteric philosophies on the paintings of Mark Tobey. My minor field of study was the emergence of Asian and occult spiritual ideas in 19th and 20th Century American culture.

The evolution of my daily yoga was greatly accelerated by moving to the Kingdom of Bhutan in the Himalayas in 1983. I spent five years teaching and traveling throughout the country documenting the culture in slides and video for the education department.

By the 1990s the consciousness that was awakened in the Himalayas developed into my mature practice, with aspects of all my previous training. Hours of daily practice for the past twenty years have sensitized me to the ebb and flow of the bioelectromagnetic field of life energy.

In the year 2000 a loss of much of my visual acuity ended my career as an art history professor and web designer, and yoga became my full time occupation. I have become much more attuned to the psycho-physiological reality of being, and sought a way to use this energy and awareness to enhance the well being of others. I trained and became certified in Calistoga Massage Therapy (a variation of Swedish massage). The merging of this education with my four decades of yoga practice evolved into my Metamorphic massage.

Through integrating the deep relaxation of muscular massage with the enhancement of the circulation of life energy, a unique, enlightening, and rejuvenating experience is provided for you.
