Metamorphic Massage

Metamorphic massage is both deeply relaxing and richly invigorating, combining techniques from Euro-American and Asian traditions derived from sources as diverse as Swedish massage and Kundalini yoga.

I integrate this training around a core of ancient Himalayan yoga. Yoga means to unite, to the balancing of polarities in a harmonious state. Metamorphic massage works on both the physiological body and the vibrational body. Together they create a whole, which when properly integrated, promotes well being. Through my daily yoga practice I align my bioelectromagnetic field so it can be a template to your vibrational energy.

In metamorphic massage attention is paid to all the systems of embodiment: skeletal, muscular, cardiovascular, nervous, respiratory, sensory, lymphatic, digestive, endocrine, and the unifying system of life energy. This is the energy manifest in the DNA molecule of every cell constituting each person. On the subatomic level it can be thought of as the union (or yoga) of particles and waves.

During a metamorphic massage I release blockages in the free movement of energy through you. Daily stress and tension create knots in the muscles and nerves that interrupts the natural flow. Through deep massage the passages are opened, and I move old, spent energy down and out of the body. Lighter strokes on the upper layers and the surface of the skin enhance the natural energy patterns. After clearing out the depleted, I massage to stimulate and infuse new vital energy throughout your whole being.

You will experience the enhancement of the energy in your chakras, special vortices coordinating the physiological and energetic patterns that manifest as the human body. My ability to stimulate the movement of energy through these centers, along with the channels connecting them, and the meridians that distribute the bioelectromagnetic field, is the result of over four decades of daily physical and devotional yoga.

My metamorphic massage refreshes and rejuvenates your vital energy system through a deeply relaxing therapeutic session allowing you to emerge holistically renewed.
